Following its premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival, Drake Doremus’ new romantic sci-fi titled Zoe now has its first trailer. In prior films, Doremus has di...
As Cannes gears up, so does its marketplace, featuring many of the festival’s regulars prepping new project. Per usual, Wild Bunch has a selection of the mo...
We tried to talk to Claire Denis about Let the Sunshine In, but ended up discussing her forthcoming sci-fi film, and the deep emotional struggle of pulling it off....
A regular at the Cannes Film Festival, Marion Cotillard opened the ceremonies last year with Arnaud Desplechin's excellent Ismael's Ghosts, and now she's ba...
As March brings a close to 2017 in cinema with the Academy Awards, there are also a great number of noteworthy 2018 films making their way to theaters, ranging from animated adventures to dark comedies to ambitious blockbusters....
Following up one of his best films in some time, My Golden Days, Arnaud Desplechin is back with Ismael's Ghosts. Starring Marion Cotillard, Charlotte Gainsb...