After taking a role in Listen Up Philip and leading the psychological drama Queen of Earth, Elisabeth Moss wasn't part of Alex Ross Perry's latest film, Gol...
If one wants to experience the best independent cinema the year has to offer this summer, one of your best bets is the well-curated line-up at Brooklyn's BA...
As more and more productions attempt to push for pristine clarity through using digital cinematography, there's a specific aesthetic quality some filmmakers...
There are no screaming matches or overt arguments, nor is there any sort of frenetic camera work, yet Golden Exits is unmistakably the work of Alex Ross Perry. ...
Humanity's most invaluable asset is our memory. It fuels our imagination, ignites conversations, and can unite us. It can also be distorted, reshaped, and forgo...
Near the very top of our most-anticipated films of Sundance is writer-director Alex Ross Perry's follow-up to Listen Up Philip and Queen of Earth, titled Go...