Denis Villeneuve's massively intriguing, potentially disastrous Blade Runner sequel has further upped its credibility: according to Variety, the project's a...
If I had to name the film that's causing agents the greatest amount of stress about their young, male British clients' future -- I don't know why I have to ...
“I don’t think it’s going to generate too much controversy. There will be a little difficulty in swallowing it, as it was for me. I’m a football dad, you kn...
Dailies is a round-up of essential film writing, news bits, and other highlights from across the Internet. If you'd like to submit a piece for consideration...
With After Earth, Winter's Tale and Focus leaving Will Smith fans disappointed the last few years, the actor is hoping to regain some stature with an Oscar ...
From his go-to white-on-black Windsor typeface (in use since 1977) onward, there's a particular solace to be found in entering the latest film from Woody Allen. ...
Whether you consider her a tenet of the form or regularly burn copies of I Lost it at the Movies, no one with a serious interest in film criticism would try...