An untitled Seth Rogen and James McAvoy comedy has been acquired by Summit Entertainment.  The film, which was previously called I’m With Cancer, is amassing a bit of a starry cast including Rogen, McAvoy, Oscar nominee Anna Kendrick and Bryce Dallas Howard. Summit’s president of production Erik Feig had promising remarks on the film:

It’s rare to find a script that has you laughing and crying in equal measure, or a cast and director as perfectly suited to get the tone of this unique and moving film as perfectly right. [The Wrap]

The film will be directed by Johnathan Levine (The Wackness) and the screenplay was written by Will Reiser. No word yet on the plot.  Production is set to begin this month.

Dramedy?  Is this a safe foray?  How will McAvoy do alongside Rogen?

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