
The future of Roman Polanski‘s recent film was uncertain after his arrest this past September in Switzerland. Well, after some sound mixing and some final touches from his Swiss prison, it looks like the film is completed, as Summit Entertainment has picked it up for US distribution. The film, which originally was titled The Ghost, stars Ewan McGregor and Pierce Brosnan. After seeing a cut of the film in Paris Summit co-chairmen have said: “[Polanski] once again has proven himself as one of the world’s most talented filmmakers and master of suspense creating a very modern thriller. And we look forward to sharing this film with North American audiences.” Check out the brief teaser trailer below:

Plot: The story of a former British Prime Minister, Adam Lang (Pierce Brosnan), who is holed up on an island off the Eastern seaboard of the U.S. in midwinter, writing his memoirs. When his long-standing aide drowns, a professional ghostwriter (Ewan McGregor) is sent out to help him finish the book. The anonymous ghost writer is quickly drawn into a political and sexual intrigue involving Lang’s wife, Ruth (Olivia Williams) and his aide (Kim Cattrall). Hanging over Lang is the threat of a war crimes trial and a mysterious secret from his past that threatens to jeopardize international relations.

Summit may immediately conjure up images of fairy vampires, but don’t forget they also put out The Hurt Locker and The Brothers Bloom this year. The Ghost Writer will debut at the Berlinale in February before hitting US theaters in early 2010.

What do you think of The Ghost Writer?

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