THR recently published a list provided by The Academy’s visual effects branch that contains seven films up for the best visual effects nominations. The list includes:


District 9

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Star Trek

Terminator Salvation

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen


They plan to take this list down to 3 films and announce it on February 2nd along with the rest of the categories. The ceremony will be held on March 3rd.

This award is going to go to AVATAR hands down. If I had to guess what the other two noms are going to be, I would have to say Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and District 9. I could see the Academy not giving D9 a nom because while revolutionary in what they were able to do with the budget they had, there are better looking films like Star Trek.

Who do you think the final nominations will be?

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