According to Heat Vision, Rising star Saoirse Ronan is in negotiations to collaborate once again with her Atonement director Joe Wright as the title character, Hanna, which is a teenage assassin movie.

The story follows a 14-year-old Eastern European girl (Ronan) who has been raised by her father to be a remorseless murderer. She connects with a French family, forms a friendship with their daughter and goes through the pangs of adolescence. When the girl is dragged back to her father’s world and discovers that she was bred as a killing machine in a CIA prison camp, she must fight her way to a free life.

Nobody who has seen Atonement could deny that Ronan has a chilling ability to avoke the sinister using her blank expressions and small voice. But expectation will be higher with this role and she deserves it. Ronan has been entering into more mature territory than any of her previous work, case in point The Lovely Bones. Nevertheless with Wright to guide her once again, Ronan would have the chance to start making the transition from child to adult actor.

Would Saoirse Ronan being cast in the lead role make you more or less likely to see Hanna?

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