The new Angelina Jolie action-ridden film, Salt, was recently released in theaters. Apparently the screenwriter, Kurt Wimmer, Dirctor Philip Noyce, and Jolie would all love to come back for another take at this thin plotted, spy-esque movie.

Since the ending was left so wide open, it seems almost inevitable that there might be another flick in the works, but it will all depend on how much revenue the movie brings in all together. In commercial Hollywood it’s usually more about how much a film makes, rather than how well it’s produced and with Salt having a 110 million dollar budget and the gross revenue right now coming out around 100 million with it only just being released in foreign countries, it seems that the mentality of a sequel might just be in the minds of these filmmakers. Sequels do usually get a bit more expensive to produce, but with the options that the studios carry in their pocket such as 3D, the possibilities seem to grow. We see many sequels coming out that tend to only increase the popularity of the film’s franchise, without a big, major check behind them. Such as the upcoming Mission Impossible 4, or Saw 3D. If the film makes money, it makes the studio smile.

You can check out our review of Salt right here. We weren’t too fond of it but if a sequel is in the works we hope that they have learned the correct route to follow with this franchise.

Do you think there should be a salt sequel? Do you think it might be superior to the first one if a sequel is produced?

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