The first official trailer for Roman Polanski‘s The Ghost Writer has been released via The thriller stars Ewan McGregor, Pierce Brosnan, Timothy Hutton, Kim Cattrall, and Olivia Williams. The original embed wasn’t working for me, so here is one below thanks to First Showing.

Plot: The story of a former British Prime Minister, Adam Lang (Pierce Brosnan), who is holed up on an island off the Eastern seaboard of the U.S. in midwinter, writing his memoirs. When his long-standing aide drowns, a professional ghostwriter (Ewan McGregor) is sent out to help him finish the book. The anonymous ghost writer is quickly drawn into a political and sexual intrigue involving Lang’s wife, Ruth (Olivia Williams) and his aide (Kim Cattrall). Hanging over Lang is the threat of a war crimes trial and a mysterious secret from his past that threatens to jeopardize international relations.

I thought it was a pretty poorly cut trailer (especially with the black and white frames, introducing the actors) but there is enough in to definitely interest me. I’m always up for whatever Polanski directs and it’s nice to see him get this film cut and distributed with all the personal stuff going on his life.

The Ghost Writer will hit US theaters on February 19th, then expand throughout March via Summit.

What do you think of The Ghost Writer trailer?

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