It’s also somewhat of a Sony 3D shuffle. Scott Stewart’s Priest is being moved from August 20th, 2009 to January 14th, 2010 for 3D conversion, crime thriller The Roommate from September to February and Underworld 4 from next January to September 2011 so it can be shot in 3D and also (possibly) star Kate Beckinsale. [Dread Central]

Is it possible that the world is just postponing what will be the inevitable Cam Gigandet (Gossip Girl) takeover of American cinema? He’s in both The Roommate and Priest.

It makes sense that Screen Gems (the cheap Sony branch) would convert Stewart’s Priest to 3D after the modest success of the low-budget Legion. And Underworld is a proven franchise and its leading lady might be contractually obligated to return.

What do you think of the 3D shifts?

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