How did this take so long? Platinum Dunes and director Michael Bay want to get into the Taylor Lautner business (who doesn’t?). They want to so much, in fact, that they’ve sent out a script to all of the larger studios with a ‘Bay-Lautner’ tag behind it, hoping to sell it (hoping? really? hoping?). Word that the script is “Mr & Mrs. Smith meets Wantedsounds just about right. [Deadline]

All that said, both men are very busy. Lautner’s about to jump back on set to finish Breaking Dawn: Part Deux and Bay’s about to kick the Dark of the Moon promotional campaign into high gear. This clearly will not be a Platinum Dunes horror remake, but rather a high-profile, super-budgeted studio tentpole. What is curious is if Bay will go ahead and make the small muscle-heist film he’s been talking about making for some time. Is Lautner worth further delay on the project?

In a financial word: yes. Lautner’s the highest paid teenage actor in the world, Bay’s movies make money only Jim Cameron’s can top. If this isn’t serendipity, I do not know what is. Expect, at the very least, a very impressive sound effects showcase starring Lautner and directed by Bay in the next couple of years.

Do you like Bay? Lautner? Mr. and Mrs. Smith? Wanted? Life in general?

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