Filmmakers are not their films, but Mia Hansen-Løve continues drawing the assumption. Her eighth feature, One Fine Morning, extends a series of semi-autobiogra...
In a decade of numerous masterpieces, one of the towering cinematic feats of the 1970s was Bernardo Bertolucci's Alberto Moravia adaptation The Conformist. Wit...
A kind of sequel to his short film Haven, which concerned a radical treatment program that offered drug users free medical-grade heroin, Colin Askey’s Love in ...
Already legends in the remote town of Matsapha, Swaziland, country singers Gazi “Dusty” and Linda “Stones” find a warm welcome in the American south when...
Will 2023 be the year of two new films from Wes Anderson? Earlier this year, Anderson began production on a new Roald Dahl adaptation of The Wonderful Story of...
At some point in the last few years of compiling The Film Stage’s Weekend Watch column, which seeks to highlight the best in New York’s repertory offerings, we...
After crafting one of the most playfully inventive lockdown films with this year's The Tsugua Diaries (co-directed by Maureen Fazendeiro), Portuguese director ...
As the recent Sight and Sound poll further confirmed, while the current canon is an ideal starting point for any burgeoning cinephile, an entire world of filmm...
One of the finest films of 2022 is the narrative debut of documentarian Alice Diop, Saint Omer. Selected as France's Oscar entry, the multiple Venice award win...
Starting next week, if you're in NY or LA, you'll be able to get an early look at Colm Bairéad's acclaimed drama The Quiet Girl, which was selected as Ireland'...