Christopher Nolan recently revealed that, in conceiving his next film Oppenheimer, he created the first-ever nuclear weapon detonation without the use of compu...
Roxy CinemaWe're proud to kick off The Film Stage Presents, a new screening series at the Roxy that begins with 35mm showings of Steven Spielberg's The Termina...
With each new directorial effort, Greta Gerwig has expanded her scope and now crossing the $100 million budget threshold we have her (and co-writer Noah Baumba...
Those seeking an insightful exploration of cinema history in Hollywood’s Golden Age or a nuanced, affecting character study on the lives within this early era ...
Each week we highlight the noteworthy titles that have recently hit streaming platforms in the United States. Check out this week’s selections below and past r...
With his work the basis for such great cinematic works as Letter from an Unknown Woman and Only Yesterday, the latest adaptation of a Stefan Zwieg novel comes ...
As various critics groups and awards bodies dole out their top films of the year, it can be hard to parse which ones are actually worth paying attention to. On...
March is for women in trouble. So Criterion decided when they slotted INLAND EMPIRE, which follows this year's major repertory run with a dazzlingly stacked se...
As the arthouse cinema market continues to regain its footing, the list of what may be considered an overlooked film could be quite vast, depending on one's me...
The best Michelle Williams performance of the year was not, in fact, in a Steven Spielberg-directed motion picture, but a reunion with her greatest collaborato...