A frank celebration of a pre-Giuliani New York, Kristen Lovell and Zachary Drucker's The Stroll explores a unique period from the inside. Lovell––an actress, a...
From its hilarious use of social media montages to the oversized white Telfar bag that seems to almost swallow one of its characters whole, Sebastián Silva’s R...
Although it takes less than half an hour to drive from Ciudad Juárez to El Paso, the cities might as well be located on different planets. Mexico's Ciudad Juár...
Christopher Murray's Sorcery asks timeless questions about the meaning of justice in a world where the oppressed are tried in courts set up by their oppressors...
Singaporean director Anthony Chen’s English-language debut follows a West African refugee, Jacqueline (Cynthia Erivo), who washes up on a Greek island homeless...
In films like Volver, Parallel Mothers, Everybody Knows, and now L’immensità, Penélope Cruz has cornered the market on playing mother figures that are both lar...
After last month kicked off with Sight and Sound unveiling of their once-in-a-decade greatest films of all-time poll, detailing the 100 films that made the cut...
A poetic ode to the blue ridges of Central Appalachia, King Coal often evokes an IMAX educational film in its scope, space, and presence. The film explores the...
Without Justin Hong-Kee Min, Shortcomings would be sour to watch. His character, Ben, floats through Randall Park’s directorial debut with a mountain of unlika...
Polite Society, written and directed by Nida Manzoor, moves like a supersonic jet. That's one of the best things about the picture. Telling the coming-of-age s...