Juno and The Wackness star Olivia Thirlby has signed on to leading role in The Darkest Hour, a new sci-fi action flick directed by Chris Gorak (Right At Your Door) for Summit and New Regency. [THR]

Wanted director Timur Bekmambetov and Tom Jacobson. Gorak and Josh Zetumer, who is working on the Bourne reboot script, have written the one for this flick. The film is set in Moscow and “follows a group of Americans traveling in the city when an alien invasion occurs.” Thirlby plays a “trust fund girl trying to survive the attack who teams up with others to try to defeat the invaders.”

It sounded like Cloverfield for a while there, until the part where the group of Americans fight back. The script is being compared to 28 Days Later, which I’m completely down for. It’s nice to see the success of District 9 and other great sci-fi launch more genre films. I’ve heard great things about Gorak’s directorial debt Right At Your Door (which is available on Watch Instantly) so I’m quite excited on what he can do with a bigger budget. It’s also nice to see Thirlby get a lead role. I’ve loved pretty much everything I’ve seen her in from Snow Angels to The Wackness to Bored to Death.

The Darkest Hour will start production this summer in Moscow.

Are you looking forward to more bigger budget sci-fi? What about Thirlby as a lead?

The Darkest Hour, Chris Gorak, Olivia Thirlby

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