Cinemablend brings us news today that actor Neil Patrick Harris, who was easily the best part of the past two films in the Harold and Kumar series, will return for the third one. The third film is currently shooting in Troy, Michigan and Harris will once again play himself.The first Harold and Kumar was a great, funny movie, and while the second one wasn’t as strong, it was still pretty entertaining. Undoubtedly, Neil Patrick Harris was the best part of both, as he is easily one of the most humorous people working in Hollywood. His scenes were nothing short of awesome and truly laugh out loud funny.

His role of Barney on the hit TV show How I Met Your Mother is legen-dary (reference intended) and he has also done some great work in other films/shows. I’m very happy that he is returning for the third film in the series and hopefully it will turn out to be better than the sub-par second one.

Are you happy to see NPH back in the Harold and Kumar series?

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