
AICN recently talked to Robert Rodriguez who confirmed the Latino Review rumor that Nimrod Antal (Vacancy) will be directing Predators. It was long rumored that Neil Marshall (The Descent) was in the running with another short list of directors, but it seems that Rodriguez has finally made his choice. Predators is set for July 7th, 2010.

While I was hoping that Neil Marshall would get the job due to how much I like The Descent, and even though I wasn’t the biggest fan of Doomsday, I thought his style would fit right in with the Predator world. With that said, I can’t say I think this is a bad choice. I have only seen Vacancy which I thought was decent at best, but I have yet to see Kontroll which everyone seems to love. With such a short list of directors, Rodriguez obviously saw something in Antal so I can’t say this is a bad idea.

What do you think of Nimrod Antal directing Predators?

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