Well, this is kind of annoying. Jackson revealed he will NOT be in Kenneth Branagh’s Thor, begging the question: why the hell not?

Jackson is just as confused:

“I have no idea. I’m not in charge of making those decisions. I thought I was. They said I was in the trades, and I was like, ‘Oh, I’ve got a job!’ And then, I called my agent and she said, ‘Nah, you’re not in it. They misprinted.’ I was like, ‘Well shit, they need to pay me just ’cause they put my name in it.'” [First Showing]

Jackson went on to say that he’ll have as big of a part in Joss Whedon‘s Avengers (The Avengers is my own starring vehicle for that character, pretty much.”) as any other super hero, and that he’ll be shooting scenes for The First Avenger: Captain America this summer. The Avengers is set to start shooting in February.

One hopes they can squeeze in ONE DAY of shooting into Thor so there can be an after-the credits Fury-Thor scene, just to maintain continuity and appease fanboys. If you’re going to go big, go big, rather than forgetting(?) to put people in one of the movies about The Avengers, who Fury gathers together.

What do you think of this news? Do you like Jackson as Nick Fury? Are you excited for The Avengers?

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