In an interview with Dark Horizons, Mel Gibson dispelled rumors that he would appear in the the fourth installment of the Mad Max franchise. This clarifies some suggestions that he could possibly appear in a cameo or have a small role that resulted from a vague press conference over the weekend.

Gibson said in the interview when asked about a cameo possibility, “”No, not at all. We’ve talked about it.”  He went to say that it is director George Miller’s franchise and that he “can’t wait to see what he does with it.”

In other Gibson news, the actor/director indicated that he seeks to film his latest Viking project in Old Norse, the Germanic language used by Vikings, citing his longstanding desire to make a truly accurate portrayal of vikings.  Gibson said on his childhood dream, “Its just some kind of romantic pipe dream.  But that was the first big, epic, whacky idea I ever had was to show Viking real.”

This would mark Gibson’s second film not in English, as The Passion of the Christ was filmed in Latin.  I always thought doing this sort of thing distanced the film from the audience, but it is obvious Gibson’s goal is pure realism and there is no fault in that.

What do you think about the new Mad Max project?  Is it a good idea to film the Viking flick in Old Norse?

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