MTV (via First Showing) brings us good news today. Mark Wahlberg said in an red carpet interview last night that “I am more focused on making that movie than my own films, I just think we can make a great movie… I think we’re going to do it. We just have to end strong, and this season is, by far, the best season.”

We had last heard about this film back in December 2009 but this is the first we’ve heard of it since. It looks like it’s really going to happen though. I don’t blame HBO, after the box office success of and Sex and The City, Entourage movie seems like a no brainer.

Entourage is personally my favorite show that is currently on television so I’m obviously very excited about this.  Even if the film turns out as bad as the Sex and The City films people will see it, the shows has quite a large following. Wahlberg went onto say that he would possibly have a cameo in the film and that they have some great cameos for the upcoming season.

What do you think about this? Are you fans of the show? Would you see an Entourage movie?

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