There’s been a lot of Snow White news of late! First, word came down that Universal’s Snow White and the Huntsman is finalizing their cast. Then Disney announced they were moving on their Shaolin-infused Snow White and the Seven, and now Relativity is finally revealing casting news of their own.

According to Vulture, Julia Roberts has been asked to join Tarsem’s (The Cell, The Fall) The Brothers Grimm: Snow White. The former Stepmom would play the evil stepmother/vain and murderous queen in this revisionist fairy tale, which is said to have a darkly comedic flare.

If you’re having trouble keeping these three adaptations straight, here’s a quick refresher:

Snow White and the Huntsman (Universal) – in this adaptation the Huntsman who spares Snow White’s life doesn’t send her off into the woods to survive on her own devices; instead, he flees too. He is the main character of this film, serving as a mentor to a young girl cruelly cast out of her home. Early casting rumors had Tom Hardy then Johnny Depp lined up, but now it seems Viggo Mortensen is thisclose to take this lead, with Kristen Stewart and Charlize Theron as the princess and the evil queen respectively.

Snow White and the Seven (Disney) – set in 19th century China, Snow White is an English woman who learns martial arts from “a rogue band of seven international warriors.” This one has been in development since 2002, but with two other studios diving into fairy tale adaptations, Disney has gotten back into the game, bringing Oscar-winning screenwriter Michael Arndt on board to take over the script. As for casting, Natalie Portman has been loosely attached to this picture for years, but with her pregnancy and rising star status, who knows if she’ll sign on.

The Brothers Grimm: Snow White (Relativity) Directed by Tarsem, and produced by Ratner, this one has been the most mysterious about its plot, though it’s been called and “edgy” take on the tale, in which the seven dwarves aren’t friendly miners but dangerous thieves. There may also be a dragon in the mix, and Julia Roberts.

So that’s the latest on the craze over the apple-biting orphan.

Which Snow White feature interests you the most?

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