Duncan JonesMoon was widely overlooked for the greater portion of 2009, but pretty much everyone who saw it (except me) was thoroughly impressed. I thought Jones‘ low-budget visuals were breathtaking, and Rockwell puts forth an admirable lead performance, but I had several issues with the story. Nevertheless, I am still looking forward to the director’s follow-up sci-fi film Source Code, which — according to The Playlist — has just received another noteworthy cast member in Jeffrey Wright (Syriana, Casino Royale, W.).

Wright joins Oscar-nominated Vera Farmiga (Up in the Air), Michelle Monaghan (Trucker), and Jake Gyllenhaal (Brothers). The script was originally written by Ben Ripley, although Billy Ray (State of Play) has been doing some revisions as of late. Just by looking at this cast, you can see the type of respect Jones has gained for himself with only one film. It’s rare to see a young director have the luxury of these great actors in a sophomore effort, but it’s encouraging to see. He obviously did a lot to reignite the career of Sam Rockwell.

As far as the story goes, it centers on a soldier who wakes up on a train and subsequently witnesses an explosion. It all sounds pretty vague right now, but that’s fine by me. /Film wrote up a more in-depth plot synopsis a few months ago, and you can read that if you’re itching for more information. I haven’t read it myself, so I’m not aware of how severe the spoilers are.

I’m sure there are a lot of Moon fans out there. What do you think of the Jeffrey Wright addition?

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