We normally never post TV spots, but for a film as anticipated as Inception there is no reason not to. This is also the first time we get to see HD footage from the new trailer that was in theaters this weekend. Oscar buzz has also begun, as Geoff Boucher from LA Times, who was on set of Inception and has closely covered the the project has said the following:

I can honestly say there is no movie that I’m more eager to see, and (based on the script and the footage I’ve seen) I sure wouldn’t bet against this movie picking up an Oscar for the best picture of 2010.

Let the hype machine roll. Here are three new TV spots from Movie Box (via Nolan Fans).

TV Spot #1:

TV Spot #2

TV Spot #3

Inception hits theaters July 16th. I will leave you will one section of the trailer that blows my mind.

We normally never post TV spots, but for a film as anticipated as Inception there is no reason not to. This is also the first time we get to see HD footage from the new trailer that was in theaters this weekend.

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