It’s being reported by CHUD (via FilmJunk) that HBO may be working on a spin-off of In the Loop, the breakout British hit that got nominated for Best Original Screenplay.

Devin Faraci spoke with Armando Iannuci, writer of In The Loop and The Thick of It (the show that In the Loop is based off of), and he spoke about the possibility of having an American spin off of the show in the State Department, read below:

“I like the State Department [as a setting]. It gives you the big and the small all together – it gives you the office politics and the international politics all at once. And it’s important, and it wants to be important, but it can be ignored when the President wants to ignore it. So they’re insecure about what their status is in everyday politics. That’s interesting and that gives you something to work with.”

As much as I had trouble following the film’s quick foul mouthed nature at the time, I definitely found it hilarious.  I loved more than anything the writing which is what made it such a brilliant satire.  I’m happy to see that my favourite channel of all time are the ones that may be doing this project because, other than the BBC, I wouldn’t trust anyone else to do this property justice.

All I ask in advance is that you give me more Malcom Tucker.  You can introduce as many crazy new characters that you like, but I need me some more Malcom Tucker.  He is one of my favourite characters of 2009 and just thinking about it is making me laugh.

What did you think of In The Loop? Would you like to see this HBO spin off?

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