
Dailies is a round-up of essential film writing, news bits, and other highlights from our colleagues across the Internet — and, occasionally, our own writers. If you’d like to submit a piece for consideration, get in touch with us in the comments below or on Twitter at @TheFilmStage.

At Vulture, read an excerpt from Glenn Kenny‘s recently released book Robert De Niro: Anatomy of an Actor:

In 1975, when Robert De Niro was shooting Taxi Driver, the actor’s then-agent Harry Ufland told a journalist, “Bob will never be a movie star. He is an actor. He is just not seduced by glamour.” By the middle of the 1980s, Ufland’s prediction was still holding true. In its November 1988 issue, the New York–centric humor/satire magazine Spy published a piece titled “The Unstoppables,” which outlined how the most talked-about actors in the culture were, by and large, not people who made movies that made a lot of money; hence, not “movie stars.” De Niro was pretty much “Exhibit A” for the case put forth by writers Rod Granger and Doris Toumarkine, which was that filmmakers who didn’t succeed at providing a good return on investment needed to be punished.

25,000 spectators watch Hitchcock’s Blackmail at the 2014 Odessa International Film Festival via BFI:



Larry Clark‘s The Smell of Us will premiere at Venice, THR reports.

At Criticwire, Sam Adams on The Expendables 3 torrent and the techno-utopian delusion:

David Pierce’s “I torrented ‘The Expendables 3’ and I’m still going to see it in theaters,” published at the Verge, is labeled an editorial, but it’s more like a cross between a breathless fanboy review and a starry-eyed techno-Utopian fantasy. Pierce doesn’t quite come out and say that he torrented a leaked copy of the movie, which isn’t due in theaters until August 15, but does say he watched it twice on his personal laptop and he’s “already counting down the days until I can see it in IMAX.”

Watch the trailer for the IMAX re-release of Forrest Gump this September:

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