Production on the sequel to George Miller’s Academy Award-winning animated feature, Happy Feet has official begun at Fox Studios in Sydney, Australia. Actors Robin Williams, Elijah Wood and Hank Azaria have already arrived in Sydney and will voice Happy Feet 2 over the next two weeks.

Miller, accompanied by dancers dressed in motion capture suits to rehearse some of the penguin dance numbers, was tight-lipped about what audiences can expect from this highly anticipated sequel:

“It’s a different story. A lot of the same characters, but it’s a different story with a lot of new characters.” (ABC)

Happy Feet won the Oscar for Best Animated Feature in 2006 and earned more than $384 million worldwide. On his expectations for the sequel, Miller was optimistic:

“You never know. Happy Feet was successful because it seemed fresh. But the stuff I am seeing now I am really happy with. The technology has moved so quickly in the last four years.” (Inside Film)

Happy Feet 2 will of course make a great deal at the box office, as most animated sequels do, but in order to do better than its predecessor Miller will need a solid script to go with his star-studded cast and improved visual effects.

Happy Feet 2 will be released in 3D on November 18, 2011.

Are you excited for Happy Feet 2?

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