According to The Playlist we may be getting a big screen version of the immensely popular TV show Glee. The news doesn’t stop there. Not only would we be seeing one movie but apparently there may be as many as three Glee films in the works. When the cast signed onto the show, their contracts mentioned the possibility of doing three film versions of the show. In the contract, it mentions the following:

“[The actor] hereby grants Fox three exclusive, irrevocable options to engage [the actor] in up to, respectively, three feature length motion pictures.”

While a movie of Glee is probably not going to happen anytime in the near future, I have no doubt that after another season or two they’ll start developing one, as long as the show continues to do as well as it is currently doing.

The only problem that I can forsee is that by the time they do a movie, the cast may be too old. Most of the cast are already in their twenties despite the fact that they play high school students. By the time they get around to making the films the cast may look too old, unless of course the plot makes it so somehow they are out of high school. Either way, as a fan of the show I do look forward to hearing more about a possible Glee film.

What are your thoughts? Do you watch the show?

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