There has been some controversy if the money machine known as Avatar will stay in 3D theaters when Tim Burton‘s Alice In Wonderland hits. While, I’m not very excited for the film, some great news has come our way via AICN. A source over there says a certain trailer will be attached to the Alice In Wonderland:

Expect the new Tron Legacy trailer at the beginning of the ALICE movie (in both 3D and IMAX) on March 5th in theaters. It will run almost 2 1/2 mins.

Another source says Disney has big plans for Tron:

…apparently (Disney) the top brass is so psyched about Tron: Legacy that they’e planning a TV show for 2011 & 2012 (probably for Disney XD). No news on whether it will be animated or live action. They’re also already planning another Tron film for 2013.

Of course, if Legacy bombs at the BO, this will all get cancelled ASAP. But, right now, they’re really behind it.

This is great news. I recently watched Tron and can’t wait to see an updated version. I likely won’t watch a TV show based on it, but I can wait to see Bridges come back and the 3D is definitely of interest.

Tron Legacy hits theaters December 17th.

Does this make you want to check out Alice In Wonderland? Are you excited for Tron Legacy and possible spin-offs?

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