Variety reports that Geoffrey Sax (Frankie and Alice, White Noise) has signed on to direct Unmasked, a psychological thriller written by newcomer Peter Scott Vicaire. The movie follows a man who joins an underground club for the sole purpose of reliving the worst day of his life. Vicaire’s script has obvious Fight Club influences but according to the article it also has shades of Stanley Kubrick‘s Eyes Wide Shut so it’s completely understandable why the director of Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker was courted for the job (that’s sarcasm folks!).
All (painfully unfunny) joking aside, Unmasked definitely sounds interesting and I’m intrigued about the details of this supposed “worst day ever” that the main character is dying to relive. And as a White Noise apologist, I’m not totally against having Sax in the director’s chair; he’s handled psychological themes before and he’s capable.
Shooting on Unmasked is expected to start in the second quarter of this year.
Does Unmasked‘s supposed mixing of Fight Club and Eyes Wide Shut intrigue you as much as it does me or am I just that easily amused?