
Variety is reporting that Frank Langella is in talks to play the role of Lewis Zabel in Oliver Stone’s Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps. Langella joins the already star-packed cast of Shia LaBeouf and Michael Douglas. Langella’s character is a “old-time broker who mentors LaBeouf’s character, a young Wall Street broker names Jacob.” The plot of the film is “Gekko, having spent 14-years in prison for insider trading and security fraud, now making the lecture circuit as a published financial author. He mentors Jacob in hopes to reconnect with his daughter Winnie, Jacob’s wife.” Carey Mulligan is in talks to play Winnie and Josh Brolin is in negotiations for a role in the film as well. Production is set to start next month and a release is planned for the first quarter of 2010.

I got a chance to watch the original Wall Street last month for the first time and thought it was phenomenal. It is too bad that Charlie Sheen is not returning but having Gekko back is more than I could ask for. The film does seem like it is being rushed and I really hope that doesn’t hurt it in the end. Oliver Stone is a great director when it comes to films like Wall Street. Bringing politics, business,and greed into a Stone film is always a good time.

Are you looking forward to Wall Street 2?

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