While talking to Ruben Fleischer this morning I was eager to hear about Zombieland 2. If you loved Zombieland then you’ll be happy to know a sequel is on the way- in 3D. This is of course old news, but Ruben was nice enough to give a few updates. Here’s a quick rundown of what he had to say: he’ll be shooting with 3D cameras, they’re currently working on the script, and expect to see Zombieland 2 either in 2011 or 2012.

In a November ’09 interview Fleischer said he may do a romantic comedy before Zombieland 2, but with this news, I don’t know if he would have time. We also didn’t talk about whether original writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick are returning to write. They have recently been signed on to do the Deadpool spinoff as well as the G.I. Joe sequel. Here’s the full transcription:

What’s going on with the sequel?

Ruben Fleischer: We’re in the writing process and it’s a thing all of the cast is excited to do. As soon as we get the story together we’re going to go make it. It’s going to be in 3D and hopefully we’ll be shooting as soon as possible.

Will you be using 3D cameras or will the 3D be done in post?

Ruben Fleischer: 3D cameras.

What do you think 3D will add to the sequel?

Ruben Fleischer: Well if you just think about the first movie there’s some amazing shots that would look even better in 3D. With the woman flying through the windshield or the zombies getting smashed by that giant ride. There’s already tons of cool things in there that would have been great in 3D. You can only imagine how cool those shots could be.

Do you know when you’ll go into production or is that all still up in there air?

Ruben Fleischer: We gotta get the script done and we’ll figure it out from there. The script is not done yet.

So do you think we’ll see Zombieland 2 in either 2011 or 2012?

Ruben Fleischer: Yeah.

Make sure to check out the full interview soon at DVD Talk.

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