Earlier today I was lucky enough to chat with the Spierig brothers for their new film Daybreakers. While we mostly talked about their (awesome) follow up to Undead, I also got some info on a future project. While they are still working on their remake of Captain Blood they also have something else in the works. They are still unsure about whether Captain Blood will actually be their next film, but whatever it is I couldn’t be more excited. Daybreakers is as cool as the trailers are and it lives up to its unique concept so definitely see it this weekend. With all that said, here’s what they had to say:

I know you guys are working on Captain Blood, but I know you’re also working on another script right now. Can you talk a little about that?

Peter Spierig: There’s a script that we’ve been working on for over a year now and it’s a science fiction film set in the forties. I can’t really say much more than that, but its got elements of sort of real world events that happened during that time and we’re kind of twisting it and giving it our version of history. Taking history and changing it (laughs).

So is Captain Blood still your next project?

Peter Spierig: I don’t know. It could be. It’s one of those things where you’re developing a project and it can go really quickly or it can take a really long time. It’s impossible to say at this stage. The script has come in and it’s a really solid script, but there’s more work to do. We’ll see, I don’t know.

Make sure to visit DVD Talk this weekend for the full interview.

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