Reuters reports Richard Jenkins (above left) has signed, and Bradley Whitford (above right) is close to signing, for two associated roles as “white-collar co-workers with a mysterious connection to the cabin”. The film is written by Lost collaborators Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard. Goddard also wrote last year’s excellent Cloverfield. Whedon said the casting signals what kind of movie they are hoping to make. “They’re the first proof that though ‘The Cabin in the Woods’ is a classic horror film, it isn’t one you’ve seen before.”

Cloverfield was one of my favorite films of last year, and I love Lost so I can’t wait for this film. I’m confident they can put a new spin on the horror genre, especially with these new casting additions.

The Cabin In The Woods is set to be released February 5th, 2010.

Do you think Jenkins and Whitford are a good fit for ‘The Cabin’?

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