While talking to MTV, Neil Patrick Harris dropped the bombshell that the follow-up to the internet sensation Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along-Blog may in fact be a motion picture:

Apparently they’re making a Dr. Horrible sequel, a feature film I hope… I hope they cast me in it… We’ll see.

He also commented on the scale of the production:

I don’t know what scale, they’re talking all options, because they made the first Dr. Horrible in five days on no budget at all… You don’t want to make the feature film be an $80 million giant movie, because it defeats the purpose of what the first film was made to be, but then again you don’t want it to be so low brow that it’s not worth paying money to see as a movie…I don’t think it will be on the internet, I think it will probably be a film.

The first one was an extremely small production made during the writer’s strike under the hand of geek legend Joss Whedon. It starred the aforementioned Neil Patrick Harris as the title character, Nathan Fillion as the superhero Captain Hammer (the hammer is my penis) and Felicia Day as the love interest. To me, the series already feels like a self-contained story that doesn’t really need continuation. I personally wouldn’t mind seeing the series remade into a feature-length film with all the same people. In the video though, Harris mentions the problem that virtually everyone who was involved have extremely busy schedules with their respective television shows. I guess they just need to wait for another strike of some sort.

If you have Netflix Watch Instantly check out the original here.

Dr. Horrible film sequel, yay or nay?

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