New Zealand’s Weta digital effects house, that debuted with Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, has already begun pre-production on the sequel to District 9.

Tentatively titled District 10 MarketSaw revealed that filming is scheduled to begin in October this year in South Africa, and New Zealand. Director Peter Jackson will be back to produce, with Neill Blomkamp directing. The site also stated that it is not certain whether District 10 will be shot in 3D however, with Jackson producing and directing Mortal Engines, another Weta film, in stereoscopic 3D, it is likely that District 10 will do the same.

After the success of District 9 and with Jackson and Blomkamp back for a sequel it is hard to imagine how District 10 could falter. Its success however, will rely upon the strength of the script, which is still likely to be in the early stages of redrafting. There is no word yet whether Terri Tatchell will be back to co-write the script with Blomkamp or whether new writers will be brought in to write the sequel.

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