In a questionable move by Walt Disney Animation Studios, the 2010 animated release of Rapunzel has been retitled Tangled. Producer Ron Coneli explains that the new title has come with a reinvented storyline for the classic fairytale:

It’s a really fresh, smart take on the Rapunzel story. In our film, the infamous bandit Flynn Rider meets his match in the girl with the 70 feet of magical golden hair. We’re having a lot of fun pairing Flynn, who’s seen it all, with Rapunzel, who’s been locked away in a tower for 18 years. (/Film)

Directed by Byron Howard and Nathan Greno, this new telling of the classic fairy tale, will still have the iconic tower, evil witch, gallant hero and mysterious girl with long golden hair, but it will also have a stunning CG look that will bring another fairytale into the magical realm of 21st century technology.

Rapunzel, if she is so named, will be voiced by Mandy Moore while Zachary Levi will play a “dashing bandit” named Flynn Ryder who hits the road with the “rebellious, teenage hair apparent.” The voice cast is also rumored to include David Schwimmer, Matthew Gary Gubler, Kristin Chenoweth, Dan Fogler, and Grey DeLisle.

It seems right for Disney to change the title after having the Brother’s Grimm fairytale revamped, however whether this new title Tangled attracts an audience as well as a well known title like Rapunzel remains to be seen.

Tangled is scheduled to hit theaters in Christmas 2010.

Do you think Tangled is a good new title for Rapunzel?

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