At today’s press junket for the upcoming film Cop Out, MTV was talking about comparing Bruce Willis‘s role in the film to John McClane. Willis began talking about how it’s more fun to make fun of the McClane mythology then it is to emphasize it, but then he dropped a bomb shell no one was expecting:

No word on a script, studio involvement, or even the idea of Die Hard 5 has been heard until now. This could very well be Willis’s attempt to push Cop Out a bit more but, if it’s not, then this is big. I am also glad to hear him say he would hire Len Wiseman back right now, as he did an excellent job with the last film (if you disagree just watch his unrated cut). I was also intrigued by the idea of McClane going world wide. Could Die Hard 5 take a page out of the book of the proposed 24 film? It is very possible. Keep checking back with The Film Stage for more on this developing story.

Cop Out hits theaters this Friday.

Would you want to see another Die Hard?

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