Diablo Cody, Academy Award winning scribe of Juno fame and more recently Jennifer’s Body, hard at work on her TV series The United States of Tara, has also been developing a couple new big screen stories, Vulture is reporting in an interview [via The Playlist].

The first is an unnamed project involving a female anti-hero who is stalking her high school sweetheart. She referenced a lack of the female archetype of this character: “You don’t get to see women be antiheroes that often, where it’s like somebody like Mickey Rourke, who gets a comeback in The Wrestler. It’s rarer that you’ll have a studio say, ‘Let’s have an actress come back and be ugly!'”

She also went on to say the story itself is “pretty serious and fucked up.”

The second project is adaptation of Sweet Valley High, which was the Twilight for teenage girls of the 80’s (minus vampires). Cody claimed that this series played a role in her youth. It is plausible that she will take significant artistic licensing on this project, citing that this is not the type of story that demands 100% accuracy. It is interesting to see how she will adapt the series which had over 150 installments.

Either way, Diablo Cody is one of the most original writers in the game. You can bet both of these screenplays will have her own brand label tattooed on the forehead. Love her or hate her, you have to respect her for that.

Which of her flicks is your favorite? What about these new projects?

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