Somebody somewhere is serious about this Crow reboot. Mark down musician/screenwriter Nick Cave as part of the team. Even though the man’s produced writing credits stop at dirty, psychological Westerns (The Proposition), he’s been hired to rewrite The Crow reboot, to be directed by Stephen “Blade then League of Extraordinary Gentleman” Norrington. [Screen Rant, via The Playlist, via The Wrap]

The film may start shooting this summer, but since it’s almost August that’s most likely not the case. Unless, of course, Cave is the fastest writer in the world. And though it seems even safer to say this property will most certainly get made with a director on and someone as talented as Cave doing rewrites, let’s not forget how Cave’s last script fared.

In other script/directing news, while Zach Braff toils away on a new screenplay that’s “something more in the Garden State oeuvre.” [Cinematical]

Braff had more to say:

“I’m hoping to direct Swingles soon. And I’m in the midst of [writing] my first original since Garden State. I’m also writing a play, because now that I live in New York, I’m infatuated with the theater.”

The actor/writer/director has been attached to the rom-com since the spring and it’s good to hear there’s still life. Cameron Diaz was once attached, but, as previously stated, it’s been a long while since any news about the project. Hopefully, this is the first bit of much forthcoming information.

So the race begins: will Cave/Norrington get The Crow into theaters before Braff finds his way back into movies? Set your stop watches, boy and girls.

Which project are you more excited about?

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