There are certain directors that, no matter what, I’m deeply invested in whatever their next project may be. Darren Aronofsky happens to be one of them. After tackling wrestlers and ballerinas, two subjects I had zero interest in, he was able to craft some of my favorite films of their respective years. Coming off his huge hit Black Swan, it’s becoming more clear that his next project will be a big-budget re-telling of the biblical story Noah.

We reported last week that he was interested in Christian Bale to lead the film, which has been described as “a big fantasy epic” and “an effects-driven” blockbuster. Aronofsky recently spoke with IFC about his $130 million film and reiterated some of comments about his large scope, while also adding some thought about the religious aspects.

He told the outlet at the 2011 Provincetown International Film Festival that he didn’t think Noah was “a very religious story,” but “it’s a great fable that’s part of so many different religions and spiritual practices. I just think it’s a great story that’s never been on film.” We already know the film won’t be similar to his small-budget endeavors but he confirmed, saying “I want to make a big event film, and I think it can be that.” Like many of his rumored projects he stated “all these films are hard to make so you never know,” but he also confirmed his intent, saying “we’re trying to get it made and we’ll see.”

It’s nice to hear that he will shy away from the heavily religious aspects and make it more of a universal tale, just as he did in something like The Fountain. It also makes sense for the director as he is an atheist. He has previously called Noah “the first person to plant vineyards and drink wine and get drunk. It’s there in the Bible – it was one of the first things he did when he reached land. There was some real survivor’s guilt going on there. He’s a dark, complicated character.”

As for Bale joining he told the outlet, “no comment,” but with a grin. Screenwriter John Logan (The Aviator, The Last Samurai, Bond 23, Hugo Cabret) is rewriting the original script by Aronofsky, and so far New Regency is co-financing position with Paramount, Fox, CBS Films, and Summit are all interested in the remainder. For more information, check out our previous post which includes images and video from the graphic novel for the film, from Canadian artist Nico Henrichon (who illustrated Brian K. Vaughan‘s Pride Of Baghdad), as well as quotes from Aronofsky.

What do you think about playing down the religious aspects of the story? Are you excited to see Aronofsky’s epic scope?

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