
After winning his Oscar we have been eagerly waiting for Danny Boyle to choose his next project. In an interview with DigitalSpy (via ThePlaylist) the Slumdog Millionaire director  suggests that his next film may be the story of mountain clumber Aron Ralston, who after a 2003 hiking accident had to amputate his own arm with a dull knife. In the interview, when asked about his next project, Boyle says:

“I do, but I can’t quite tell you about it because it’s not quite all signed, sealed and sorted out legal-wise. It’s based on a true story so there were complications to do with rights, that kind of stuff. We’re close to solving it and hope to be shooting in March next year.”

Boyle previously expressed interest in Ryan Gosling for the film, which looks similar to an Into The Wild-type adventure. In the interview Boyle denies his My Fair Lady remake, the Mumbai-based Maximum City, and 28 Months Later, all previously mentioned projects. With shooting supposedly taking place in March I would bet some more details will be announced soon.

Thanks to /Film here is a video in which Ralston describes the event:

What do you think about this project? What about Gosling as the lead?

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