
MTV got to talk with David Cronenberg (History of Violence) and they got some info from him on an Eastern Promises sequel. Cronenberg said “We are moving forward with it”. By “we” he meant Viggo Mortensen (A History of Violence), screenwriter Steven Knight, and producer Paul Webster. He also claimed that they will soon have a creative meeting on where to go with the sequel.

I actually like the idea of an Eastern Promises sequel, its not something I really need to see, but its not a bad idea. I won’t completely spoil what happens at the end of Eastern Promises, but there is a twist that feels a little abrupt and predictable in the movie. At the end there are a lot of doors are left open, not in a bad way, but there is definitely a possibility for a sequel. Count me interested.

What do you think of a Eastern Promises sequel? Did you like the 1st?

– Jack Giroux

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