Sarah Jessica Parker’s latest rom-com, I Don’t Know How She Does It, based on the popular Allison Pearson book, will have the stylish actress playing a Wall Street financial type, who has to juggle work, raising her kids, and–one assumes—finding true love. So, this flick will not likely be something men line up for.

But hey, men! Don’t be put off by the lame plot, the fact that SJP tends to make truly terrible movies, or that this will feature a bunch of characters painfully unaware of financial troubles. (Recession? What recession? That’s Sarah’s motto!) Because the LA Times reports, that the producers have added some incentive just for you!

Christina Hendricks (the gorgeous Joan from Mad Men) and “Twitter sensation” Olivia Munn (whose addition to The Daily Show sparked a wild—but thankfully brief—backlash from some female viewers) have joined the cast, which already includes such star power as Pierce Brosnan, Kelsey Grammer, and Seth Meyers. According to 24 Frames, “The casting of Hendricks and Munn, both popular with men, broadens the film’s target audience beyond the traditional romantic-comedy base.”

So, with the addition of two beautiful women, IDKHSDI apparently has their male audience locked down. But what is supposed to make us, women folk want to see this, exactly?

Ladies, what makes you want to see I Don’t Know How She Does It?

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