Hailing from the small city of Columbus, Ohio, filmmakers Ori Segev and Noah Dixon have made their directorial debut with Poser, which premiered to much acclai...
Following The Better Angels and Age Out, A.J. Edwards' third feature, First Love, is both a tender tale of blossoming romance and a nuanced depiction of the pr...
Something that genuinely can be described as a passion project, the new stop-motion animated film, Mad God has been with legendary visual effects artist Phil T...
If Cristian Mungiu isn't the most prolific filmmaker to emerge from Romanian cinema's gilded age, he does tend to cause a stir. Cristi Puiu was first in the do...
For Mia Hansen-Løve, the 2022 Cannes Film Festival marked a few returns. A year on from premiering Bergman Island, Hansen-Løve screened One Fine Morning, the d...
It’s mid-May at the Cannes Film Festival and David Cronenberg is relaxing on the roof of the J.W. Marriot Hotel. Two days earlier, his latest film enjoyed a ra...
His second consecutive drama about an iconic poet with a life of inner turmoil, Terence Davies' Benediction affords the filmmaker canvas to explore queerness m...
Alex Garland built his career on cerebral sci-fi. The novelist-turned-screenwriter-turned-director was responsible for two of the most acclaimed science fictio...
Slyly and majestically bringing a sense of documentary-like authenticity to his humbling, spiritual portraits of the ways humankind and nature intersect, Itali...
Norwegian filmmaker Eskil Vogt had quite a 2021, bringing both his most recent collaboration with Joachim Trier, The Worst Person in the World (for which he wo...