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[Review] The American

While walking out of The American, a fellow critic pointed out something that couldn't be close to the truth: this is the anti-Bond film. With the Bond movi...

10 Films To See In September

Summer is over and the early awards season has begun. While the ten films below are not to be missed, September also means high-profile premieres at Venice, Telluride, and Toronto International Film Festivals. Check out our recommendations....

Our 20 Favorite Films of 2010 [Pre-Oscar Season]

With awards season gearing up, here at TFS we have come up with 20 of our favorite films of the year. For all naysayers saying the year has been disappointing, I challenge anyone to watch the following and stand by that statement....
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The 6 Degrees of Michael Cera

Some say Michael Cera is risking overexposure. I say Cera is working toward Kevin Bacon status, developing a film career worthy of his own 6 degrees game....