Baz Luhrmann has revealed to the India Times that he is in discussions to collaborate with Slumdog Millionaire composer A.R. Rahman. Although noting that it was his “dream to make a movie in India”, Luhrmann’s possible collaboration with Rahman is still in the very early stages of development:

“We are planning to create some work together, but it’s too early to talk about it. I’d just say that we want to create the right piece, for the right story so that it can be told well.”

Luhrmann’s last trip to India resulted in the inspiration for the box office hit, Moulin Rouge’s Bollywood themed costuming and musical Hindi number “Chamma Chamma“. Undoubtedly Luhrmann hopes to achieve a similar, if not greater, success for his next film.

However this collaboration between Luhrmann and Rahman comes at an interesting time with relations between Indians and Australians currently fraught with tension. Should this untitled production become a reality, its development won’t be without controversy. That aside, a Bollywood blockbuster Luhrmann-style could be just the film to overshadow the love-hate responses of his last film, Australia.

What do you think about this project?

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