Timed with Thursday’s Blu-ray release of Avatar, director James Cameron sat down with LA Times and gave some new details on the re-release of the highest grossing film of all-time as well as a sequel.

  • An August IMAX re-release of Avatar will include six minutes of additional footage
  • Cameron wants to do Avatar 2 in half the time for the half the price, but realistically will be happy hitting 25%
  • They created a broad universe and not just “on Pandora, but throughout the Alpha Centauri AB system.” For the sequel, Cameron wants to focus on the oceans of Pandora.

I loved the theater experience of Avatar and wanted to check it out one more time in IMAX, so I’m glad it is getting a re-release later this year. I hope it doesn’t crowd the theaters that the Hubble 3D re-release is planned for as well. I’m also debating on picking up the Blu-ray due to the reportedly incredible quality, but with a four disc set coming out in November, I’m not sure. As for the Avatar sequel it is no surprise that Cameron wants to explore water. The water elements in the first were jaw-dropping so I can’t even imagine what is in store for the sequel.

Will you see Avatar again in theaters? Are you looking forward to the sequel?

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