Producers, directors, representatives and even cast members typically bond, one way or another, during the overall production process. Whether the film take...
According to Coming Soon it's been leaked that John Travolta will be putting on his starring role demeanor and taking flight in one of his billion-trilion d...
Just when you think the "delightful daggers" of surprise couldn’t penetrate any deeper, Logan/Wolverine pushes them further and further in to the point of n...
SIDNEY PRESCOTT has been living the last few years of her life in relative silence. Now a guidance counselor for Woodsboro High School, her alma mater, she finally lives her life out of the media spotlight. But with the discovery of a murdered student, Sidney Prescott’s world will once again be ripped apart by the reemergence of Ghostface Killer....
Drop everything (including the newborn) and pretty please go view Logorama, the award-winning short film by Francois Alaux and Herve de Crecy. Now, if you d...
Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, Part 1, Do You Realize??, and (Just Like) Starting Over aren't blockbuster movie titles, cult indie flicks or even movies ...
When the phrase "A-list" comes to mind the first names that possibly might trigger in your nicely shaped cranium are the delectable Cameron Diaz, the pop-boy Justin Timberlake, and possibly the oh-so-funny Molly Shannon....
It's as if kryptonite has spilled out of the superhero world and into our public water system - and we're all genetically connected to Clark Kent. Yes, the harsh thought of a first time director at the helm of the new Superman film might come to be an inevitable truth. But please, don't position a gun to your dome quite yet....
Rumor has it Miracle Workers will bring about Zach Galifianakis in it’s cast. Mr. Comedy himself “is put on a path that has him posing as an exorcist with a pal. The two think they’ve got a good thing going until they’re faced with a real menace” says producer Michael Aguilar....