Arirang is unlike any film that is playing at Cannes this year. Shot entirely by the Korean auteur Kim Ki-duk himself in a desolate cabin using a Canon Mark...
In Poliss, an ensemble cop drama, the action centers on a disturbing crime trend spreading through France and other parts of Europe. The crime at hand is ab...
At the heart of Restless, the new film by American auteur Gus Van Sant, is a heartfelt relationship between two young people that begins at a funeral. Thus ...
In Julia Leigh's unusual feature film debut Sleeping Beauty, the debutante director tries to paint a provocative picture of lust for youth. Intrigued by the...
Werner Herzog’s latest journey into the depths of philosophical quandaries about art and science is also a sincere voyage from the heart of one of cinema’s w...
Equal parts sci-fi as it is experimental film, Beyond the Black Rainbow is an odd trip down movie memory lane, taking you back to the drug fueled cinema of ...
Lars von Trier, the notorious Danish auteur behind such classics as Dancer in the Dark and more recently Antichrist, has just released the first trailer to...
Every year when Oscars roll around, there is one category that holds particular interest to me because it rewards creativity and hard work to the filmmaker ...
Over the last few years I've befriended many filmmaker friends via social networks and have had the privilege of interacting with some truly passionate movi...
If you grew up watching Sesame Street, or ever marveled at the magic of Jim Henson's Muppets, than you'll want to seek out Constance Mark's Being Elmo: A Pu...