A buzzed-about trailer led to the year's most acclaimed film, the year's most acclaimed film has created a minor cultural phenomenon, and what comes next mi...
Following an impressive initial announcement, the Sundance Film Festival have announced this year's Premieres (narrative and documentary), Kids, Midnight, S...
The annual, Bataan Death March-like awards season always has its upsides, the best perhaps being Variety's Actors on Actors series, in which (drum roll) act...
The write-up on Cineuropa is brief, but the actual occasion is of major note: Christian Petzold, one of Germany's great contemporary filmmakers, will follow...
The Rolling Stones release Blue & Lonesome, their first album in eleven years, today, and this occasion is marked well: with a music video in which Kris...
Since any New York City cinephile has a nearly suffocating wealth of theatrical options, we figured it’d be best to compile some of the more worthwhile repe...
It could be said that an introduction to Mia Hansen-Løve is entirely beside the point, given the extent to which her films concern herself and loved ones....
His filmography and background should make obvious that cinema suffered a great loss when Raoul Coutard passed away earlier this month, though the matter of...
Keep your eyes on Pietro Marcello's Lost and Beautiful, a 16mm-shot journey through the Italian countryside that has earned some of the year's finest notice...